PSP Builder is analytic software you can use to perform analysis on customer interview data collected for you by PSP Enterprises. You can explore the detailed reasons why you have won and lost competitive contests and determine the prioritized actions needed to improve performance in the future. PSP Builder lays out its findings in a graphic format that is easy to understand and present.  It even automatically generates Microsoft PowerPoint slides that you can use in your executive briefs and sales training events.

PSP Builder runs on your PC with Microsoft Excel. It is straightforward to use, so a new analyst can begin doing meaningful investigation of transcript data within 15 minutes. PSP Builder can execute entirely on-premises and does not rely on any external portal to run or store data; sensitive transcript and analysis data stay inside the four walls of your organization.


Why are you losing to a particular competitor? Why is your win-rate higher in one region than another? What are winning reps doing that everyone else needs to know about? PSP Builder lets you slice and dice interview data by selecting interviews according to any combination of criteria. Analysis of these selected interviews in aggregate makes it easy to visually compare customer opinion in different regions, across different product lines, and across different periods of time.

Click here to learn more about interview selection.


PSP Builder generates charts which show the prioritized reasons why you win and lose deals. All charts provide statistical confidence measures which help you distinguish those issues which are statistically significant from those which are merely anecdotal.

By applying these quantified findings to your future sales pipeline, PSP Builder helps you forecast the revenue impact of changes in the competitive environment and analyze tradeoffs among the changes you make in your product or marketing. At any time, customer quotes relevant to any decision criterion are just a click away. 

Click here to learn more about interview analysis.


PSP Builder makes it easy to share your findings and recommendations. It automatically exports charts you build to PowerPoint slides using your company's template. It even generates detailed speaker notes that explain how to read the charts.

Click here to download a sample PowerPoint output deck.